Keynote Speakers


Prof. Yoshifumi Manabe, Kogakuin University, Japan

Dr. Pornthipa Ongkunaruk, a Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Kasetsart University in Thailand, has an impressive background in education and experience. With a Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Yoshifumi Manabe was born in Osaka, Japan. He received B. E. and M. E. degrees in information engineering from Osaka University, Japan in 1983 and 1985. He received Ph. D. degree from Osaka University in 1993.
He worked for Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation(NTT) from 1985 to 2013. He was a research group leader of NTT Communication Science Laboratories. He was also a guest associate professor of the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University from 2001 to 2013. Since 2013, he has been a Professor at the Department of Information Science, School of Informatics, Kogakuin University. His research interests include distributed algorithms, cryptography, and game theory. He is a member of the ACM and IEEE.

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA.


Prof. Xu Chen, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China


Dr. Xu Chen is Professor of operations and supply chain management at School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. His current research interests include coopetition management, supply chain management, and operations management. His publications have appeared in Production and Operations Management, IISE Transactions, IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science, Journal of Business Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Annals of Operations Research, and other journals. His research has been supported by grants from the National Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC), Major Program of National Social Science Foundation of China (NSSFC), and National Key R&D Program of China.

Supply Chain Management with Blockchain

Abstract: Applications of blockchain in supply chain management (SCM) have received extensive attention among academics and industrial practitioners. Most current blockchain-related review papers focus on the values, methodologies, barriers, trends, and challenges of blockchain applications in the supply chain (SC) context. Despite some papers discussing blockchain’s role in SCs from a specific perspective, the existing review papers mainly concentrate on blockchain’s influence on one of the three critical SC flows. Hence, this study comprehensively reviews 251 academic papers to capture the precise impacts of blockchain on the material, information, and money flows in SCM. Following the above analyses, a conceptual framework is put forward to accentuate blockchain’s influence on SCM. By unveiling a comprehensive research landscape, this study offers valuable viewpoints and vital information for scholars and practitioners to better identify research frontiers and themes of blockchain applications in SCM.